Normally one prefers being comfortable, In some ways I do too. Overtime I have realized that maximum growth happens when we are in uncomfortable situations. We are challenged to push ourselves when we are met with adversity and opposition. Comfortable seasons can sometimes cause us to remain complacent. Remaining stagnant in a place that we have outgrown; being that it is comfortable we are hesitant to go anywhere else because we are fearful of the unknown, so we rather “stick to what we know” because “if it isn’t broke don’t fix it”, right? Shifting this mindset will do wonders with your life. Every year, every month and ever day we are met with opportunity for growth and we should take it. Don’t live in regret because you’re comfortable with the life you are living. Push yourself to live the life you aspire to have. Every bump, bruise and scrape along the way is a reminder that you are stronger than you think and that you are capable of learning from mistakes. The Joy of the Lord will be your strength. Don’t be afraid of making the wrong turn, God can make your crooked path straight. Get off the mountain of comfortability and take the leap into ultimate prosperity, You got it! Get comfortable with being uncomfortable for it will bring true happiness. Being uncomfortable will make you happy!