Faith over Fear
If I am being transparent, I have been slacking on my morning routine. Normally I would spend time with God, stretch, skate to the gym, workout then skate to the beach then skate back home. To get to the beach I must skate over a bridge that crosses a river. This bridge has a steep incline, today I was fearful to cross the bridge because on the way down there was a possibility of me falling on the way down due to the lack of control, I would have from the momentum coming down. Why was I scared to do something that I was once accustomed to do? I ceased the good habits that I had because I didn’t see the fruits of my labor come into fruition. So, the period of me not doing something caused me to fear what should be easy for me to do. I learned three lessons in this situation; One being patience, two as time passes, we allow fear to consume us which prevent us from acting and lastly, being grounded in truth can help you overcome any obstacle at hand. Patience is a virtue but sometimes it can be easier said than done when life moves rapidly. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. No one wants to be insane so when they aren’t seeing results after repeatedly doing the same thing, one would logically try something different, Correct? But who said results come immediately? Societal normality’s, especially with social media has us expecting results quickly. “I’ve done ten sit ups, where is my 6 pack?” “God, I’ve worked on the business you told me to start, why don’t I have a million dollars yet?”, “God, I been faithful to your word and remained celibate, where is my husband?”, “God, I have changed my life for the better, why do I feel alone and everyone I once cared about disappeared?”. It is in the waiting season where we are tested the most. We need to remain diligent and persistent in this time because God wants us to be good stewards of what we have so that we can take great care for what’s to come. The waiting season builds character and tenacity to keep going regardless of who and what others are doing. God wants to know if we are going to remain disciplined even when no one is looking. Keep up the good works so that everything that God has promised you will be yours, you got it! Next, the more time that passes allows the enemy to plant seeds of doubt and fear. When God gives a word, MOVE! The longer we postpone an activity when we are told to go, we are being disobedient so why would God reward mediocrity? The older we get we have less courage to try or do something new. When God says we need childlike faith literally means Just that; we need to tap into our inner child to trust that our heavenly father will protect us regardless of the outcome. Mistakes are inevitable when trying new thing and that’s okay. Our mistakes don’t define us, they grow us. As we go through life, we grow through life so don’t listen to the naysayers; listen to the truth and the truth is he will make your paths straight, you just must take the first step. Lastly, the truth will set you free; not just literally but also figuratively more specifically spiritually. When you stand ten toes down in the good book the obstacles that you have formulated in your mind are null and void. You will feel unstoppable. God is literally everything you need. He will give you guidance, protection and peace that surpasses all understanding. The attacks of the enemy will not prosper, nor will you believe them to. No person, place or thing can stop you from what God has for you. Stop trying to rush what God has for you an remain consistent in what he called you to do, you may not see the harvest as soon as you would like to but remember it is God’s timing, not yours. God works outside of time so he can make anything happen at any time. Remember the faith you had when you were fresh in your walk with God, continue that youthful faith as you walk in your purpose. God is omniscient and omnipresent so staying in his word will allow you to conquer any battle at hand. Don’t let the enemy stop you from what God has promised you. Continue to read and fill your mind with the truth so that you become the person God has called you to be when he formed you in your mother womb. Stay encourage and stay blessed! With Love and Light, Tyler Joy